Wow, so we are learning more and more about this sweet puppy every day! After talking with Mom more and looking at pics online, we are thinking she looks more like she has German Shorthaired Pointer in her. Want to know why? Look at one of them: Source of photo
Click the source to see more photos of this breed.
I think this photo shows that this breed has so many similarities to sweet Ember! We still think her other half is likely Australian Cattle Dog, but it’s possible it could also be Australian Shepard. Additionally, Mom believes, after checking her teeth, that she probably wasn’t quite 3 months when we got her. She’s thinking maybe 10 weeks. If that’s so, then we NOW have a 3 month old :)
She’s growing so fast, and I can see it! I can also feel it when I pick her up, haha! I think she’s likely 15 pounds by now, and she was 12 when we got her. I’ll find out at her Vet appt today her actual weight.
Here’s some new pics of her lately!I took this pic early in the morning on June 20th as it shows some big green sleepies in her eyes :( I think she just has grass allergies, and the freshly mowed lawn flared her up.
My sneaky little girl ;)
While I was on the computer, she decided she wanted to lay in the office with me :)
She was playing a little rough with Uncle Ronnie; playful little girl.
She loves her granddaddy!
While she loves being at Grandmommy and Granddaddy’s house, she’s always one tired puppy at the end of the day!
She is no stranger to car rides, and she was certainly ready to ride home sleeping after a long day!
She REALLY loves her Aunt Justine! She even used her as a pillow!
She was having lots of fun playing with her Daddy!
We give her this Kong toy to play with and chew on which is stuffed with treats that she has to fish out of it. This time, she had some unusually difficult treats to get out, and it took her an hour! Lots of entertainment :)
Her Aunt Ashlee has also successfully taught her to lay down on command! Whoop!
We are loving our sweet Ember!
Sleepy puppies are the bestest!