Thursday, August 12, 2010

Illnesses are not welcome

What a day Wednesday was.  First off, I went to work on Tuesday feeling fine.  I mean, I thought the 2 fans that run in our bedroom might have affected me a tad, but it wasn’t anything that made me feel bad.  I started to cough a little while at work, and the ladies I work with were a little concerned.  I just thought it was my natural deep cough that sounded bad.  However, by 2:30pm, I started to feel tightness in my chest.  I thought it was a good idea to find a doc and go see them.  By 5:00pm, it was hard for me to talk.  Yep, it really did move that fast.

Wednesday night, I was absolutely miserable.  I slept that night but not without waking up practically every hour.  Wednesday morning, I still felt awful, but I thought I’d be ok enough to take care of myself for the day.  Not so much.  An hour after Henry left for work, my ears were pounding, and I actually felt like my equilibrium was off.  When I got out of bed, I was having trouble walking in a straight line.  Thus, driving myself somewhere didn’t sound wise.  I asked Henry to come home and take me to the doc.  By that time, I was sure whatever I had was either Strep or Flu.  I had not been sick to the point of being knocked off my feet since our honeymoon when I had some sort of stomach sickness for 2 1/2 days.  Rarely do I ever get THIS sick.  Well, at the doc, they determined I had a fever of 100.2.  Keep in mind, my normal temp is usually lower than 98.5.  It’s usually 97 something.  Thus, 100.2 for me is like 101 or so, I think.  Also, the last time I had a fever was elementary school…REALLY!  Anyway, the doc didn’t even swab me for anything, which I was surprised by, and she claims that I just have a “common cold.”  Um, yea, I’m not believing that, but whatever.  She drugged me up with stuff, and I’m doing what I can to get better.  I slept most of the afternoon and early evening.

What feels so awful though is that, literally, on my 5th day of work, I get sick and not just any kind of sick; I can’t come to work sick.  Ugh.  Awesome impression.  I’m just so mad about it.

Anyway, my sweet hubby and cute little pup were there for me to provide me the best medicine of all: laughter.  Check out these two playing.  Please excuse our mess.

Please pray that Henry doesn’t get what I have!!!


  1. Poor little sweet heart! Thank goodness for sweet husbands and funny babies to make you feel all better :).

  2. Feel better!!!!!! Ditto what stori said!!!

    Hope you get back on your feet soon...its hard to be laid up sick like that!
