Sunday, February 7, 2010

Creative Multi-Photo Frame

So, for anyone that knew me in high school, you probably remember that I was a total frame-aholic. Seriously, I could never get enough picture frames. They were ALWAYS on my wish list!

Well, of course, now I want to purge myself of the unnecessary amounts that I have. As I continued to open boxes in our unpacking process, I noticed that I had quite a number of wooden frames. I thought of something I could do with all of them! Henry thought I was totally crazy....but that never stops me ;)

Here are the excess of frames we started with, and there were actually more that were added to this.

After MUCH wood glue, drilling, and piecing the frames together, we decided to go with a design sort of like this. It really ended up being less rows and more columns.
Then, I did some spray painting and added some finish to it as well. I made the entire thing hangable, and here it rests on our accent wall in the dining room!
This next picture shows the color a little better. It's actually Espresso and not so brown as these pictures depict.
What do you think?
Pssssst, Grant family, that's you in the top right corner ;)